You are currently viewing CITY ARCHIVE GREIFSWALD
© Albrecht Voss Werbefotografie Leipzig


Loca­tion: Greifs­wald
Period: 2018 to 2019
Cate­gory: Shell con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: Uni­ver­sity and Han­sea­tic City of Greifs­wald, The Lord Mayor

The new city archive of the Uni­ver­sity and Han­sea­tic City of Greifs­wald is being built on the Wur­then in the Müh­len­vor­stadt dis­trict in the imme­diate vici­nity of the city cen­ter. To the north, the con­s­truc­tion site bor­ders the River Ryck, which con­nects the city of Greifs­wald with the Greifs­wald Bod­den. The sil­hou­ette of the five-storey struc­ture of the new city archive can the­r­e­fore alre­ady be seen in its full size from the See­weg. In the buil­ding its­elf, the three func­tional units — public, admi­nis­tra­tion and sto­rage — are each housed on dif­fe­rent flo­ors. The first floor is desi­gned as an open, com­mu­ni­ca­tive area. 

The struc­ture of the city archive is plan­ned as a rein­forced con­crete buil­ding with rein­forced con­crete cei­lings (partly Cobiax cei­lings) and stif­fe­ning rein­forced con­crete walls and cores. Due to the pre­vai­ling soil con­di­ti­ons on the buil­ding site, the buil­ding will be foun­ded on deep foundations. 

Our com­pany has been com­mis­sio­ned by the real estate manage­ment office of the Uni­ver­sity and Han­sea­tic City of Greifs­wald with the exten­ded shell con­s­truc­tion work for the new buil­ding of the city archive.

Main quan­ti­ties:

  • Form­work — 5,700 m² wall form­work, 2,000 m² slab form­work, 350 m² foundations
  • 2,000 m³ concrete
  • 200 t reinforcement