Location: Greifswald
Period: 2018 to 2019
Category: Shell construction
Client: University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald, The Lord Mayor
The new city archive of the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald is being built on the Wurthen in the Mühlenvorstadt district in the immediate vicinity of the city center. To the north, the construction site borders the River Ryck, which connects the city of Greifswald with the Greifswald Bodden. The silhouette of the five-storey structure of the new city archive can therefore already be seen in its full size from the Seeweg. In the building itself, the three functional units — public, administration and storage — are each housed on different floors. The first floor is designed as an open, communicative area.
The structure of the city archive is planned as a reinforced concrete building with reinforced concrete ceilings (partly Cobiax ceilings) and stiffening reinforced concrete walls and cores. Due to the prevailing soil conditions on the building site, the building will be founded on deep foundations.
Our company has been commissioned by the real estate management office of the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald with the extended shell construction work for the new building of the city archive.
Main quantities:
- Formwork — 5,700 m² wall formwork, 2,000 m² slab formwork, 350 m² foundations
- 2,000 m³ concrete
- 200 t reinforcement