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On Janu­ary 18, 2022, the HEGEMANN V was laun­ched at the shi­py­ard in Kla­dovo (Ser­bia), where the ship was put into the water. From there, it was towed along the Danube to the Roma­nian sea­port of Constanza. 

Carryover HEGEMANN V

Delay­ing the con­s­truc­tion of the new ship

Howe­ver, their jour­ney did not end here. The plan­ned route included the Black Sea, the Bos­po­rus, Malta, Sar­di­nia, the Strait of Gibral­tar, the Eng­lish Chan­nel and Rot­ter­dam. The HEGEMANN V was towed along the entire route, which was a major chall­enge, par­ti­cu­larly due to the length of the route. Her final desti­na­tion was the Kooiman shi­py­ard in Zwi­jn­d­recht. The ship arri­ved there at the end of Febru­ary and is alre­ady being fit­ted out. The focus is curr­ently on the instal­la­tion work for the elec­tri­cal and hydrau­lic lines. Com­ple­tion is plan­ned for fall 2022. 


At the Kooiman shipyard