You are currently viewing NEW EXTENSION TO AMEOS CLINIC
Visualisierung: MHB ARCHITEKTEN + INGENIEURE GmbH Rostock


Loca­tion: Anklam
Period: 2021 to 2022
Cate­gory: Shell con­s­truc­tion | new exten­sion
Cli­ent: AMEOS Group
Area: 7,200 m² GFA

The AMEOS Group, head­quar­te­red in Zurich, is to build a new exten­sion to the exis­ting AMEOS Cli­nic on the Hos­pi­tal­strasse site in Anklam. The hos­pi­tal in Anklam was built in the 1930s and is embedded in a park-like site with mature trees. The ope­ra­ting thea­ters and radio­logy depart­ment were reno­va­ted at the end of the 1990s, while other areas were only par­ti­ally reno­va­ted. As many of the func­tions and struc­tures no lon­ger meet today’s stan­dards, the new AMEOS Kli­ni­kum Anklam exten­sion is of par­ti­cu­lar importance both for the opti­mal medi­cal care of the popu­la­tion and for the infra­struc­ture of the region.
The exis­ting buil­ding and the new buil­ding will be con­nec­ted on all levels by a cor­ri­dor. The basic form of the new buil­ding is a two-storey cuboid with a par­tial base­ment and a spa­cious atrium. The new exten­sion will house the cli­nics for sur­gery, inter­nal medi­cine, pedia­trics, gyneco­logy and the inten­sive care unit. There will also be a modern emer­gency room and a cafeteria. 

The AMEOS Group has com­mis­sio­ned AUGUST REINERS with the exten­ded shell con­s­truc­tion work for this buil­ding pro­ject. Our scope of ser­vices includes 

  • Earthworks/dewatering work
  • Con­crete and rein­forced con­crete work for the new exten­sion | Gross volume: 32,000 m³ | Gross floor area: 7,200 m²
  • Basic pipes/empty pipe installation
  • Seal­ing work