You are currently viewing TFA KNIPRODESTRASSE 31


Loca­tion: Ber­lin
Period: 2021 to 2022
Cate­gory: Buil­ding con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: State of Ber­lin (Son­der­ver­mö­gen Immo­bi­lien des Lan­des Ber­lin), c/o BIM GmbH
Archi­tect: Num­rich Albrecht Klumpp Gesell­schaft von Archi­tek­ten mbH

AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH won the ten­der for the “TFA Kni­pro­de­straße 31” pro­ject in spring 2021 and was awarded the con­tract for the con­s­truc­tion pro­ject. This invol­ves the refur­bish­ment of the Tech­ni­cal Tax Office Berlin. 

The KJS high-rise, an ele­ven-storey buil­ding built in 1974 in the typi­cal pre­fa­bri­ca­ted con­s­truc­tion style of the time, has been vacant for around 20 years. From sum­mer 2021, the buil­ding will be reno­va­ted and a new buil­ding will be added. 

The new buil­ding is an exten­sion plan­ned as a rein­forced con­crete struc­ture and will include tech­ni­cal and mee­ting rooms. The shell con­s­truc­tion work will begin in July 2021. 

The struc­ture will be 55.85 m long and 17.50 m wide.