You are currently viewing TUNNEL REITERSBERG


Cli­ent: DB Netz AG, Leip­zig
Pro­ject aut­hor: DB Pro­jekt­Bau GmbH, Erfurt
Con­s­truc­tion: Dach-ARGE VP Röden­tal
Part­ners: AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH | Swie­tel­sky Tun­nel­bau GmbH & Co. KG | Leon­hard Weiss GmbH & Co. KG
Tech. Manage­ment: AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH
Com­mer­cial manage­ment: Swie­tel­sky Tun­nel­bau GmbH & Co KG
Object: VDE 8.1 NBS Ebens­feld — Erfurt, TU Rei­ters­berg
Period: 2009 to 2013

The new Ebens­feld — Erfurt line is part of the Ger­man Unity Rail Trans­port Pro­ject No. 8 — Nurem­berg — Erfurt — Leipzig/Halle — Ber­lin upgraded/new line. As a sec­tion of the Ger­man Unity Trans­port Pro­ject (VDE) No. 8 with the upgraded and new Nurem­berg — Erfurt — Leipzig/Halle — Ber­lin line, the new Ebens­feld — Erfurt line (VDE 8.1) with a total length of approx. 107 km was desi­gned as a stan­dard-gauge, dou­ble-track, elec­tri­fied rail­road line for high-qua­lity pas­sen­ger and freight traf­fic. The design speed of the Rei­ters­berg Tun­nel was the­r­e­fore also set at 300 km/h. The Rei­ters­berg Tun­nel is loca­ted within the appro­xi­m­ately 5.6 km long Röden­tal con­s­truc­tion sec­tion in the dis­trict of Coburg. With a total length of 2,975 m, the Rei­ters­berg Tun­nel is the fourth lon­gest tun­nel of a total of 22 tun­nels on the new Ebens­feld — Erfurt line. The Rei­ters­berg tun­nel was excava­ted in units of shell lime­s­tone with karst phe­no­mena, Lower Keu­per and Upper Buntsandstein. 

The tun­nel was excava­ted and blas­ted. The inner shell, which is up to 90 cm thick, is desi­gned to be pres­sure-tight. Due to the very short con­s­truc­tion time for the inner shell, a “mobile invert bridge” was used. This made it pos­si­ble to con­s­truct a 12.5 m long invert block, inclu­ding fil­ling con­crete, within 2 working days while the tun­nell­ing work continued. 

Struc­tu­ral func­tion: Rail­way tun­nel
Tun­nel length: 2,935 m
Excava­tion volume: 533,500 m³
Con­s­truc­tion method: Shot­crete con­s­truc­tion method (excavator/blasting)
Tun­nel sup­port: Anchors and sup­port arches, pipe umbrella, spi­les, shot­crete, bulk­head rings
Maxi­mum cover: 90 m