You are currently viewing EXTENSION IGS SEEVETAL


Loca­tion: Har­burg
Period: 2017 to 2019
Cate­gory: Turn­key con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: Har­burg dis­trict
Archi­tect: Feld­sch­nie­ders + Kis­ter Archi­tek­ten BDA
Area: approx. 5,000 m² GFA

As part of a PPP owner model, the IGS See­ve­tal was exten­ded by approx. 5,000 m² with a modern turn­key buil­ding for the dis­trict of Har­burg.
The tasks that AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH took on as a PPP part­ner included plan­ning, turn­key con­s­truc­tion, con­s­truc­tion of the out­door faci­li­ties, main­ten­ance and inte­rim and final finan­cing. The three-storey buil­ding was con­s­truc­ted in solid rein­forced con­crete and sand-lime brick and clad with brick slips.