You are currently viewing JULIA VON BODELSCHWINGH HOUSE


Loca­tion: Ber­lin
Period: 2022 to 2023
Cate­gory: Turn­key con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: GFS Ber­li­ner Vil­len Besitz GmbH, repre­sen­ted by Immo­bi­lis GmbH
Archi­tect: Kar­ten­beck and Lang Architects

The “ARGE Haus Bir­ken­hain” was built in Berlin’s West­end dis­trict, a senior care home with a total of 72 places for resi­dents and an assis­ted living faci­lity with a total of 13 1–2 room apart­ments. It was com­ple­ted in 2023 and ren­a­med “Julia von Bodel­schwingh Haus”. The home was operated/leased by Hoff­nungs­ta­ler Stif­tung Lobetal. 

The buil­ding pro­ject at Pill­kal­ler Allee 2 con­sists of a total of 3 inter­con­nec­ted struc­tures (head buil­ding, cross-bar and con­nec­ting struc­ture), each with 3 or 5 flo­ors. The plot size is around 5,200 m². 

August Rei­ners Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH rea­li­zed the turn­key pro­ject tog­e­ther with Prehn Bau­pro­jekt­ma­nage­ment GmbH in a joint venture.