You are currently viewing MÜHLENFELDSTRASSE


Cli­ent: Rei­ners GmbH & Co. Pro­jekt­ent­wick­lungs KG
Con­s­truc­tion: AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH
Use: 15 con­do­mi­ni­ums
Plot: approx. 5,500 m²
Usable space: approx. 60 — 190 m² living space
Loca­tion: Müh­len­feld­straße | Bre­men — Ober­neu­land
Period: 2012 to 2013

The exclu­sive resi­den­tial pro­ject is loca­ted in Müh­len­feld­strasse, close to the cen­ter of Ober­neu­land, which can be rea­ched on foot in just a few minu­tes. The parks and gar­dens in the imme­diate vici­nity and the adja­cent Wüm­me­wie­sen nature reserve offer an excep­tio­nally high level of lei­sure and recrea­tio­nal value. 

The ensem­ble is embedded in a beau­tiful, park-like plot of around 5,500 m². In three hou­ses, each with only five apart­ments, dif­fe­rent floor plans have been crea­ted with three- and four-room apart­ments ran­ging from 111 to 174 m² of living space. Each buil­ding has a spa­cious ele­va­tor that pro­vi­des con­ve­ni­ent access from the under­ground car park to the indi­vi­dual resi­den­tial flo­ors. This con­cept enables bar­rier-free access to all apartments.