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Loca­tion: Greifs­wald
Period: 2019 to 2020
Cate­gory: New build
Cli­ent: Stadt­werke Greifs­wald GmbH

Stadt­werke Greifs­wald GmbH is plan­ning to build a new 2 x 4.5 MW inno­va­tive com­bi­ned heat and power plant as part of the “Imple­men­ta­tion of the 2020 hea­ting stra­tegy”. The com­bi­ned heat and power plant is loca­ted at An der Jung­fern­wiese 8 in 17489 Greifswald. 

The con­s­truc­tion of the Jung­fern­wiese com­bi­ned heat and power plant pro­vi­des the city of Greifs­wald with a basic load gene­ra­tor of heat and elec­tri­city to sup­ply the resi­den­tial areas in Schön­walde I and II, the Ost­see­vier­tel Ryck- and Park­seite as well as the Müh­len- and Fleischervorstadt.

The com­bi­ned heat and power plant has a par­tial base­ment. The floor slab and rising walls in the base­ment are desi­gned as a “white tank”. The buil­ding its­elf will be con­s­truc­ted as a two to three-storey rein­forced con­crete filigree struc­ture with an exten­ded stair­case area. Block foun­da­ti­ons are to be con­s­truc­ted for the plan­ned chim­ney and the sup­port of the pipe bridge. 

AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH has been com­mis­sio­ned with the exten­ded shell con­s­truc­tion work. Our scope of ser­vices includes 

  • Con­s­truc­tion site equip­ment / con­s­truc­tion roads
  • Ground­wa­ter drainage
  • Ear­thworks and civil engi­nee­ring, foundation
  • Drai­nage chan­nel work in the imme­diate con­s­truc­tion area
  • Media intro­duc­tions
  • CHP buil­ding as an exten­ded shell
  • Facing brick­work

Main quan­ti­ties

  • Excava­ted earth: 2,000 m³
  • Semi-finis­hed walls: 3,200 m²
  • Semi-finis­hed slabs: 1,700 m²
  • Rein­force­ment: 300 t
  • In-situ con­crete: 600 m³
  • Facing brick­work: 1,200 m²
  • Roof water­pro­ofing: 600 m²