You are currently viewing OFFICE BUILDING WQ1


Loca­tion: Bre­men
Period: 2012 to 2013
Cate­gory: New con­s­truc­tion | Shell con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: Sie­den­topf Ser­vices GmbH
Archi­tect: Hadi Tehe­rani, Hamburg

The buil­ding is loca­ted in the Weser­quar­tier of Über­see­stadt in Bre­men. The site, directly on the Weser, is part of a large for­mer port and indus­trial area that has been com­ple­tely rede­ve­lo­ped. The office buil­ding pro­jects over the Weser pro­me­nade from the second floor upwards, allo­wing an unob­s­truc­ted pan­o­r­amic view upstream and down­stream thanks to an all-glass façade. A com­ple­tely gla­zed tran­som rests on V‑shaped sup­ports that extend over two storeys. It is inten­ded to look like a con­tai­ner facing the Weser — and at the same time have a “floa­ting character”. 

The can­ti­le­vered struc­ture with a total height of 24.68 m, a width of 20.70 m and a maxi­mum length of 48.60 m is an office buil­ding that can be used flexibly.

The 7 office flo­ors offer a total gross floor area of 5,974 m² above ground. The base­ment, which is partly used for sto­rage and as an under­ground garage, has a gross floor area of 939 m². 

The buil­ding pro­ject is a rein­forced con­crete ske­le­ton con­s­truc­tion with a curtain-type mul­lion-tran­som façade or box win­dow façade. On the ground floor and 1st floor, the rein­forced con­crete columns are loca­ted on the out­side as a frame­work of incli­ned columns. The part of the 2nd to 6th flo­ors pro­jec­ting towards the Weser is sup­ported by incli­ned columns as steel com­po­site columns. The cen­tral core is made of rein­forced concrete.

As a fur­ther spe­cial fea­ture, WQ1 is one of the first buil­dings in Bre­men to receive DGNB Sil­ver cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. This means that the envi­ron­ment and energy resour­ces are pro­tec­ted in the long term. 

Main quan­ti­ties
4,100 m³ in-situ con­crete
850 t rein­force­ment
12,600 m² sys­tem form­work
200 m³ KS masonry