You are currently viewing PROJECTS 2016


Cli­entExe­cu­tion periodCon­s­truc­tion projectTree quan­tity
Mari­time Office Slupsk, Poland09/16 — 10/16Dred­ging work Dar­lowo, Kolo­brzeg, Poland12.000 m³
Boh­len & Doyen, Wiesmoor07/16 — 02/18Schuten/TSHD char­ter Wind­partk Clus­ter West­lich Adler­grund, StralsundChar­ter
Huneke & Rick, Emden06/16 — 07/16Sand injec­tion Ems, Emden60.000 m³
Mari­time Office Szc­ze­cin, Poland06/16 — 10/16Main­ten­ance dred­ging of the Swi­ne­münde fairway308.000 m³
Ship­ping com­pany Nor­den-Fri­sia, Norddeich05/16 — 06/16Dred­ging work in the nor­t­hern Busetief300.000 m³
Emden Water­ways and Ship­ping Office05/16 — 04/17Main­ten­ance dred­ging Ems/Leda 2016–20171.600.000 m³
P.R.C.i P., Gdansk, Poland04/16 — 06/16Char­ter TSHD in Gdansk, Poland25.000 m³
Abeko Dred­ging & Marine, Bever­wijk, NL04/2016Dred­ging work in the port of Wilhelmshaven65.000 m³
Wil­helms­ha­ven Water­ways and Ship­ping Office03/16 — 12/16Main­ten­ance dred­ging in the new Wil­helms­ha­ven outer harbor1.000.000 m³
Ros­tock Port Deve­lo­p­ment Company03/16 — 04/16Dred­ging work at berth 7, Warnemünde10.000 m³