You are currently viewing PROJECTS 2017


Cli­entExe­cu­tion periodCon­s­truc­tion projectTree quan­tity
ABEKO Dred­ging & Marine Con­trac­tors, Bever­wijk, NL12/17 — 01/18Barge char­ter Klai­peda, LithuaniaChar­ter
50 Hertz, Berlin12/17 — 02/18Clus­ter West of Adler­grund Lot 5Char­ter
City of Papenburg11/2017Silt dred­ging in the port of Papenburg65.000 m³
Peene shi­py­ard, Wolgast08/17 — 09/17Silt rem­oval Peene shipyardChar­ter
Bre­men Water­ways and Ship­ping Office08/17 — 09/17Pre-flus­hing of the shore at Har­rier­sand lido, Bremen96.000 m³
AG Ree­de­rei Nor­den-Fri­sia, Norddeich05/17 — 06/17Dred­ging work in the nor­t­hern and cen­tral
Buse­tief, Norddeich
18.000 m³
J. Bunte con­s­truc­tion com­pany, Papenburg06/17 — 07/17Sand washing island of Spiekeroog80.000 m³
Emden Water­ways and Ship­ping Office05/17 — 04/18Main­ten­ance dred­ging Ems/Leda 2017–20181.450.000 m³
Nie­der­sach­sen Ports, Wilhelmshaven04/17 — 04/19Main­ten­ance dred­ging in 5 port areas
Wil­helms­ha­ven and Hooksiel
930.000 m³
Huneke & Rick Buil­ding Mate­ri­als Recy­cling, Emden03/17 — 04/17Sand injec­tion Ems90.000 m³
Wil­helms­ha­ven Water­ways and Ship­ping Office03/17 — 12/17Dred­ging work in the new Wil­helms­ha­ven outer harbor1.000.000 m³
Bach Group, Viborg,DK02/17Dred­ging Aar­hus, DK71.000 m³
bre­men­ports, Bremerhaven01/17 — 12/18Main­ten­ance dred­ging Bre­mer­ha­ven 2017–2018600.000 m³
Züb­lin, Hamburg02/17 — 09/18Dred­ging work at Ost­kaje Wilhelmshaven156.600 m³