You are currently viewing PROJECTS 2019


Cli­entExe­cu­tion periodCon­s­truc­tion projectTree quan­tity
Mari­time Office Szc­ze­cin, Poland11/19 — 12/19Beach nou­rish­ment Mied­zy­wod­zie, Poland70.000 m³
Emden Water­ways and Ship­ping Office11/19 — 03/21Dred­ging work Ems/Leda 2020/20212.410.000 m³
Decloedt & Zonen dred­ging works, Ostend, Belgium10/19 — 11/19Barge char­ter Ostend, BelgiumChar­ter
Mari­time Office Szc­ze­cin, Poland10/19Dzi­now dred­ging, Poland19.840 m³
Stral­sund Water­ways and Ship­ping Office09/19 — 12/19Main­ten­ance dred­ging north approach Stralsund250.000 m³
Heu­vel­mann Ibis BV, Delf­zijl, Netherlands08/19 — 03/20Barge char­ter on the Elbe near BrunsbüttelChar­ter
City of Papen­burg / Johann Bunte com­pany, Papenburg 10/19Silt dred­ging in the port of Papenburg75,000 m³
Mari­time Office Szc­ze­cin, Poland10/19Main­ten­ance dred­ging Nowe Warpno, Poland20.725 m³
Stral­sund Water­ways and Ship­ping Office08/2019Main­ten­ance dred­ging east approach Stralsund75.000 m³
Nie­der­sach­sen Ports/JadeWeserPort, Wilhelmshaven08/19 — 08/21Main­ten­ance dred­ging in 5 areas of Wil­helms­ha­ven and Hooksiel1.846.500³
Ship­ping com­pany Nor­den-Fri­sia, Norddeich05/19 — 06/19Dred­ging work in the nor­t­hern and cen­tral Buse­tief, Norddeich18.000 m³
Rede­riet HOJ A/S, Hor­sens, DK04/19 — 05/19Barge char­ter Haders­lev, DKChar­ter
Van den Herik, Slied­recht, NL04/19 — 05/19Barge char­ter Le Tre­port, FranceChar­ter
Van den Herik, Kleve02/19 — 04/19Barge char­ter on the ElbeChar­ter
Wil­helms­ha­ven Water­ways and Ship­ping Office03/19 — 12/19Dred­ging work in the new Wil­helms­ha­ven outer har­bor 20191.000.000 m³