You are currently viewing SPORTS HALL IN CELLE


Loca­tion: Celle
Period: 2018 to 2020
Cate­gory: Turn­key con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: Dis­trict of Celle
Archi­tect: MRO Archi­tec­ture

The sports hall in Celle was built for the Burg­straße school cen­ter. It is the new con­s­truc­tion of a three-field sports hall with can­teen.
The buil­ding hou­ses a bright, modern three-field sports hall with high-qua­lity equip­ment and a pres­ti­gious grand­stand area. A very spa­cious shower and chan­ging area as well as other rooms on the first floor round off the func­tion­a­lity of the sports hall. A light-floo­ded can­teen exten­sion with a dining room and adjoi­ning can­teen kit­chen opens up to the school buil­ding.
The inte­rior work was car­ried out to a high stan­dard. The entire buil­ding has been desi­gned with dis­ab­led access in mind. Fit­ting out the sports hall in Celle and the can­teen was also part of the scope of work. The out­door faci­li­ties were adapted to the exis­ting buil­ding and the pathways around the buil­ding were rene­wed.
AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH took on the plan­ning, turn­key con­s­truc­tion and inte­rim finan­cing as a PPP partner.