You are currently viewing STÖRTEBEKER STRALSUND


Loca­tion: Stral­sund
Period: 2018
Cate­gory: Exten­sion
Cli­ent: GOLDBECK Nord­ost GmbH

We are buil­ding the foun­da­tion ele­ments for the con­s­truc­tion of a new two-storey pack­a­ging and logi­stics cen­ter with block sto­rage and loa­ding hall for Stör­te­be­ker Brauma­nu­fak­tur Stral­sund. The cli­ent is GOLDBECK Nord­ost GmbH. The shal­low foun­da­tion con­sists of 83 indi­vi­dual foun­da­ti­ons with dimen­si­ons of up to 6.30 m x 6.30 m and a total height of up to 2.00 m as well as seve­ral strip foun­da­ti­ons with a length of up to 105.00 m. Fol­lo­wing the on-site assem­bly of the pre­cast rein­forced con­crete ele­ments, we will pro­duce the con­crete top­ping on the PI slabs. The slab has a total area of approx. 10,000 m². The con­s­truc­tion time for our ser­vices is 4 months for the rein­forced con­crete work on the foun­da­tion and approx. 2 fur­ther months for the con­crete topping. 

Stör­te­be­ker Brauma­nu­fak­tur GmbH is one of the most suc­cessful com­pa­nies in Meck­len­burg-Vor­pom­mern and is curr­ently more suc­cessful than ever before in its history. In 2017, 200,000 hec­to­li­ters of beer were pro­du­ced, which cor­re­sponds to around 40 mil­lion 0.5‑liter bot­t­les. With the new buil­ding, the capa­city could even be dou­bled. The com­pany curr­ently employs around 140 peo­ple at its Stral­sund site. 

Main quan­ti­ties:

  • 450 t reinforcement
  • 5,000 m² formwork
  • 5,500 m³ of con­crete for the foundations
  • 4,200 m² cle­an­li­ness layer
  • 160 pie­ces fol­ding quiver
  • 1,500 m³ con­crete topping