Client: DB Netz AG | Leipzig
Project author: DB ProjektBau GmbH | Erfurt
Construction: Dach-ARGE VP Coburg Süd
Partners: AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH | Baresel GmbH | Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co. KG
Tech. Management: AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH
Commercial management: AUGUST REINERS Bauunternehmung GmbH
Object: VDE 8.1 NBS Ebensfeld — Erfurt | TU Höhnberg
Period: 2011 to 2014
The new Ebensfeld — Erfurt line is part of the German Unity Rail Transport Project No. 8 Nuremberg — Erfurt — Leipzig/Halle — Berlin upgraded/new line. As a section of the German Unity Transport Project (VDE) No. 8 with the upgraded and new Nuremberg — Erfurt — Leipzig/Halle — Berlin line, the new Ebensfeld-Erfurt line (VDE 8.1) with a total length of approx. 107 km was designed as a standard-gauge, double-track, electrified railroad line for high-quality passenger and freight traffic. The design speed of the Höhnberg tunnel was therefore also set at 300 km/h. In the Höhnberg tunnel, the route runs through Coburg sandstone, bladder sandstone and the Lehrberg layers of the Middle Keuper. The lowest groundwater level to be expected is predominantly in the area of the tunnel floor or below. The maximum measured groundwater/stratum water level is expected to be up to 10 m above the tunnel roof.
The double-track Höhnberg tunnel ascends from the south portal in a northerly direction. At approx. tunnel meter 743, the single-track Füllbach tunnel passes underneath the double-track Höhnberg tunnel with an uphill clearance of approx. 15 m. The Pfarrschrot landfill is planned in the area of the Höhnberg and Füllbach tunnels. The planned dumping height is max. 30 m. The maximum rock cover of the tunnel roof is approx. 30 m below ground level. The tunnel tubes will be constructed in the partial excavations of the crown, bench and floor. The tunnel tubes are lined with reinforced formwork concrete and with an all-round sealing of plastic sealing sheets (KDB).
Structural function: Railway tunnel
Tunnel length: 824 m
Excavation volume: 140,000 m³
Construction method: Shotcrete construction method (blasting/excavation)
Tunnel support: Anchors, support arches, shotcrete