You are currently viewing UPBEAT BERLIN


Loca­tion: Ber­lin
Cate­gory: Shell con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: CA Immo Deutsch­land GmbH

Major con­tract in Ber­lin for AUGUST REINERS Bau­un­ter­neh­mung GmbH and WOLFF & MÜLLER Hoch- und Indus­trie­bau GmbH & Co. KG: The two con­s­truc­tion com­pa­nies have been com­mis­sio­ned by CA Immo as a joint ven­ture (ARGE) to carry out all shell con­s­truc­tion work for the Upbeat office tower. Upbeat Ber­lin will form the nor­t­hern pre­lude to Euro­pa­city on Hei­de­strasse as a soli­tary buil­ding visi­ble from afar. 

The Upbeat is spread over three buil­ding sec­tions, the lar­gest of which will be 82 meters high, from 5 to 11 to 19 flo­ors. Ver­ti­cally con­nec­ted flo­ors also allow for dif­fe­rent sized ren­tal areas of up to 2,200 square meters. Whe­ther sin­gle rooms, com­bi­na­tion zones or open spaces, all con­tem­po­rary office con­cepts can be rea­li­zed. Thanks to the high pro­por­tion of glass in the façade and the floor-to-cei­ling win­dows, day­light pene­tra­tes deep into the buil­ding.
In addi­tion to the office space being crea­ted, an 800 m² lobby and a public restau­rant are also plan­ned on the first floor. The first floor will be a spe­cial floor for a con­fe­rence cen­ter and a can­teen. Flo­ors five and ele­ven each have access to a large roof ter­race with views over the dis­trict and the har­bor basin. An under­ground car park with 140 par­king spaces and 300 bicy­cle stands is also planned. 

Sus­taina­bi­lity, con­nec­ti­vity and the well-being of the ten­ants are high prio­ri­ties for the pro­ject. To achieve the ambi­tious sus­taina­bi­lity goals for Upbeat Ber­lin, CA Immo has com­mis­sio­ned the use of CO2-redu­ced con­crete, which saves around 50 per­cent car­bon dioxide in the floor slab area and around 30 per­cent in the other rein­forced con­crete com­pon­ents. The entire team is also coor­di­na­ting its work using a vir­tual buil­ding model. The so-cal­led BIM method makes it pos­si­ble for the “con­s­truc­tion” to take place digi­tally before it is actually imple­men­ted in order to be able to con­trol the con­s­truc­tion pro­ces­ses as effi­ci­ently as pos­si­ble. This allows the team to coor­di­nate much bet­ter than with con­ven­tio­nal 2D plans. 

AUGUST REINERS has alre­ady worked clo­sely with con­sor­tium part­ner WOLFF & MÜLLER in the past. In 2020, the two con­s­truc­tion com­pa­nies rea­li­zed the “QH Spring” con­s­truc­tion pro­ject in a joint ven­ture, also in Euro­pa­city on Heidestrasse.