You are currently viewing EICHENHOF BREMEN


Loca­tion: Bre­men | St. Magnus
Period: 2015 to 2016
Cate­gory: Turn­key con­s­truc­tion | Resi­den­tial con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: DETLEF HEGEMANN Immo­bi­lien Manage­ment GmbH
Archi­tect: Dipl.-Ing. Tho­mas Grell
Plot: approx. 6,000 m²
Usable space: approx. 60 — 212 m² living space

On a plot of land mea­su­ring over 6,000 m² in Bre­men-St. Magnus, we are buil­ding four exclu­sive apart­ment buil­dings with an under­ground par­king garage accom­mo­da­ting a total of 34 par­king spaces using con­ven­tio­nal solid con­s­truc­tion methods in line with craft­sman­ship standards. 

With its stun­ning natu­ral sur­roun­dings, old trees and long history, modern archi­tec­ture and ideal con­nec­tion to Bremen’s city cen­ter, the Eichen­hof com­bi­nes an idyl­lic natu­ral set­ting with pro­xi­mity to the city. The ensem­ble of four buil­dings — each with two storeys and addi­tio­nal pent­hou­ses — offers 34 apart­ments with a living space of bet­ween 60 and 190 m², which are gene­rously pro­por­tio­ned yet mana­geable. The apart­ments, equip­ped with deep, French win­dows and unu­sually large bal­co­nies, are worth see­ing in every detail.
The exte­rior walls on the ground and second flo­ors are dou­ble-skin with back masonry made of aer­ated con­crete or sand-lime brick and light-colo­red clin­ker brick­work on the out­side. The exte­rior walls on the top storey are made of aer­ated con­crete or sand-lime brick and finis­hed with a plas­ter façade as a com­po­site ther­mal insu­la­tion sys­tem in a light color. The inte­rior masonry con­sists of sand-lime bricks and is smoothly plas­te­red (gyp­sum plaster). 

The basement/underground garage is con­s­truc­ted in rein­forced con­crete with water­proof con­crete. The cei­lings will be con­s­truc­ted in rein­forced con­crete as filigree pre­fa­bri­ca­ted cei­lings.
Floa­ting screed on ther­mal and impact sound insu­la­tion will serve as the sub­s­truc­ture for the flo­ors. In the living rooms, bed­rooms and hall­way, oak par­quet flo­o­ring will be laid as flo­or­boards, inclu­ding woo­den skir­ting boards on floa­ting screed. The kit­chens, bath­rooms and sto­rage rooms will be covered with cali­bra­ted por­ce­lain stone­ware tiles. While the roof ter­races will have woo­den flo­o­ring, the bal­co­nies and ter­races will be laid with gray stone.
The bath­rooms will be fit­ted with high-qua­lity sani­ta­ry­ware in white. The toi­let sys­tem will be fit­ted to a low-noise pre-wall con­s­truc­tion (con­cea­led cis­tern with eco­nomy but­ton).
A video inter­com sys­tem will be instal­led at the ent­ran­ces to each apart­ment. Each house also has a pas­sen­ger elevator. 

We began the con­s­truc­tion work descri­bed above in Sep­tem­ber 2015. Com­ple­tion is expec­ted in sum­mer 2017.