You are currently viewing HAVE HALLESCHES UFER
Visualisierung: CA Immo


Loca­tion: Ber­lin
Period: 2020 to 2022
Cate­gory: Buil­ding con­s­truc­tion
Cli­ent: omni­Con Gesell­schaft für inno­va­ti­ves Bauen mbH

CA Immo Deutsch­land GmbH is plan­ning the con­s­truc­tion of a new office buil­ding with 5 upper flo­ors. The site has a 1‑storey base­ment (under­ground car park). As a key fea­ture of the “HAB Hal­le­sches Ufer” pro­ject, the buil­ding con­ta­ins an open atrium (“hub”) across all flo­ors with stairs and access to the ren­tal areas and elevators. 

The con­s­truc­tion site (par­cel 2341) with an area of 13,945 m² is loca­ted at Hal­le­sches Ufer 74 — 76 in nor­t­hern Kreuz­berg, in the second row. Access is from Schö­ne­ber­ger Strasse. The Land­wehr Canal runs to the sou­thwest, sepa­ra­ted by the three-lane Hal­le­sches Ufer. There is an exis­ting office buil­ding in the first row. To the east, the site bor­ders the for­mer Anhal­ter Bahn­hof site, home to sports faci­li­ties and the Tem­po­drom. The emer­gency exit of an S‑Bahn tun­nel is also loca­ted here. To the west and nor­thwest are hete­ro­ge­neous 1- to 3‑storey buil­dings of dif­fe­rent uses. The south-eas­tern sec­tion of the site also con­ta­ins an under­ground bun­ker, which will be pre­ser­ved, fil­led in and built over.